
Social media are now a priority for national security — National Security Adviser, Nuhu Ribadu.

The National Security Adviser, Nuhu Ribadu, says social media have become a priority and issue of national security.

Speaking in Abuja, Ribadu said negative use of social media constituted both local and global threats.

He directed media managers in the defense, security, and response agencies to change their approach to engaging with the public and countering disinformation from enemies of the country.

According to him, members of the Strategic Communication Interagency Policy Committee must be proactive and strategic in national security communication management.

He said the spokesmen in the security sector must address the worrying use of the media and social media platforms in creating division between the citizens and governments at various levels.

Ribadu also listed the preponderance of fake news, misinformation, and disinformation as threats to national security and public engagement.

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