
Amina Augie, SANs, others decry indecent dressing among Lawyers

A retired Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Amina Adamu Augie has lamented the indecent dressing among female lawyers in the country, Nigerian Tribune is reporting.

Justice Augie, while speaking on Friday in Abuja at an event organised by the Nigerian Bar Association Women Forum Abuja chapter, with the theme: “Indecent Dressing: Its Effect on Female Lawyers Dress Code”, called on lawyers to see themselves as an important part of somebody else’s life.

To her, lawyers should dress in a way that inspires confidence because lawyers are supposed to be presentable when they are representing their clients.

She said, “When you come before me as a lawyer & you are not properly dressed, no one will tell you to dress well by the time you are appearing before me again because I will not give you audience & I will also talk to your Principal, why he allowed you to leave the Chambers without being properly dressed. As a lawyer, we should be disciplined, you are able to instill confidence in others.

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